Saturday, September 8, 2007

Kylie's home of imaginary friends

If you have a child in the early school age or even younger then you have heard of the cartoom Foster's Home of Imaginary Friends. Well kylie doesn't just want a TV show she LIVES it. Since she started watching the show she has a collection of her own imaginary friends. Most are based on pokemon characters and some are completely made up creatures. Awhile back she gave one to my dad... it was a small alligators named Zitty. Grandpa plays along and tells Kylie the misfortunes that Zitty gets into . Like when he stepped on his tail and he hid under the bed. Kylie actually looked under the bed for it and scolded grandpa for hurting his friend. When pressed Kylie will agree that the imaginary friends are just pretend but I think that she wants to believe that if she believes hard enough that they will be real. It drives her very literal brother nuts, he can't pretend something unless it could actually be real. Even as a toddler he couldn't pretend that his dinosaurs were going on a picnic or to a movie. They could only fight or hide or walk around and growl.. they couldnt even talk!

While I sit here and type, Kylie is running back and forth in the living room literally bouncing off the walls. When asked what she was doing she said "I'm trying to go so fast that I run right up to the ceiling." I tried to get her to calm back down and she said " oh fine mom...but I don't know how I'm ever going to be a spider then!" Sometimes I don't even bother asking her to explain....

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